Custom Flex Fit Hats in Review - A Humble Perspective

Custom flex fit hats over the last several years have seen a trajectory that is off the charts. Diving in and giving a humble opinion on why and how to sort through the maze is what this article will attempt to do.

Most customers looking for a Flex Fit style hat are prone to a particular brand like YuPoong or the Original FLEXFIT name. Other brands to consider are NEW ERA, Richardson and Pacific Headwear. You cannot go wrong with the quality of any one of these - what distinguishes one from another has more to do with fabrics and features.  For example, if you are wanting a high-end performance fabric with all the bells & whistles, Pacific Headwear or Richardson is the way to go.  If you need a solid color, good quality the Original FLEXFIT is the perfect “fit”.  NEW ERA is the official hat for Major League Baseball and thus, the quality is very high.

As an alternative, there are a couple not so well known Flex Fit style hats that offer a good quality feel, have some performance fabrics available, but mainly are in a solid color or mesh back style.
Finally, for larger quantities and the less discerning taste, the custom overseas route is an option, particularly when price is the driving factor.

In conclusion custom flex fit hats are one of the most popular style hats in the industry and one that continues to pick up steam. Over 10 years ago it was a small percentage of the overall market but now I would estimate 30% of the market is custom flex fit hats. Personally, I like the hats alot and recommend them to anyone who asked me for advice. I believe that quality as well as how they feel when you wear a fitted hat is a major reason for the overall success. I also believe that once someone experiences the quality factor they are not going back to traditional hats! 


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